[Numpy-discussion] 2D phase unwrapping

Fabrice Silva silva at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr
Sat Nov 29 10:19:46 EST 2008

Le mercredi 26 novembre 2008 à 20:15 -0800, Jarrod Millman a écrit :
>  One of my colleagues has been using 2D and 3D phase unwrapping code
>  from Munther Gdeisat from GERI:  
>  https://cirl.berkeley.edu/trac/browser/bic/trunk/recon-tools/src  
>  https://cirl.berkeley.edu/trac/browser/bic/trunk/recon-tools/root/recon/punwrap
>  This code is very high quality and replicating it from scratch would be
>  a fairly daunting task. [...] If anyone is interested in picking this
>  up and going through the effort of incorporating this code in scipy I
>  would be happy to help resolve any remaining licensing issues.  I also
>  may be able to devote some programming resources to helping out, if
>  someone else volunteers to do the majority of the work.

So what is expected now ? What have to be done in order to include it in
scipy ?
Fabrice Silva

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