[Numpy-discussion] More loadtxt() changes

Ryan May rmay31 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 18:08:38 EST 2008

Pierre GM wrote:
> Sounds like a plan. Wouldn't mind getting more feedback from fellow  
> users before we get too deep, however...

Ok, I've attached, as a first cut, a diff against SVN HEAD that does (I 
think) what I'm looking for.  It passes all of the old tests and passes 
my own quick test.  A more rigorous test suite will follow, but I want 
this out the door before I need to leave for the day.

What this changeset essentially does is just add support for automatic 
dtypes along with supplying/reading names for flexible dtypes.  It 
leverages StringConverter heavily, using a few tweaks so that old 
behavior is kept.  This is by no means a final version.

Probably the biggest change from what I mentioned earlier is that 
instead of dtype='auto', I've used dtype=None to signal the detection 
code, since dtype=='auto' causes problems.

I welcome any and all suggestions here, both on the code and on the 
original idea of adding these capabilities to loadtxt().


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
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