[Numpy-discussion] Binary ufuncs: minimum

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue May 27 03:51:44 EDT 2008

Did this change recently?

In [33]: np.__version__
Out[33]: '1.1.0.dev5211'

In [34]: np.minimum(np.uint8(164), np.uint64(12807)).dtype
Out[34]: dtype('uint64')

But yes, that looks like it should return a uint8.


2008/5/27 Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com>:
> Note that min('b','Q') will fit in b. Do we want to produce a double in this
> case?
> minimum
> not symmetric
> in1       ?  , b  , B  , h  , H  , i  , I  , l  , L  , q  , Q  , f  , d  ,
> g  , F  , D  , G  ,
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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