[Numpy-discussion] missing function in numpy.ma?

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 16:31:32 EDT 2008

On Thursday 27 March 2008 16:11:22 Travis E. Oliphant wrote:

> I guess what could be done is to take the old numpy.core.ma file and
> move it into oldnumeric.ma (along with the few re-namings that are there
> now)?  Could you test that option out and see if it works for you?

I'm currently re-introducing some functions  of numpy.core.ma in 
numpy.ma.core, fixing a couple of bugs along the way (for example, round: the 
current behavior of numpy.round is inconsistent: it'll return a MaskedArray 
if the nb of decimals is 0, but a regular ndarray otherwise, so I just coded 
a numpy.ma.round and the corresponding method). 
2-3 functions from numpy.core.ma (average, dot, and another one I can't 
remmbr) are already in numpy.ma.extras.
I should update the SVN by later this afternoon.

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