[Numpy-discussion] 1.1.0 OSX Installer Fails Under 10.5.3?

Christopher Burns cburns at berkeley.edu
Wed Jun 4 13:32:32 EDT 2008

> many thanks. Could I suggest that this information be featured
> prominently in the Read Me in the Installer, and perhaps also at
> http://www.scipy.org/Download where this is given as the official
> binary distribution for MacOSX.

Good point, I added a note to the scipy download page.

>You might want to change the error
> message too, since I think that some people will interpret "System
> Python" to mean the default Python provided by the standard system
> install. Since this is 2.5.1 on Leopard, the error message could be
> confusing.

Agreed, the message is confusing.  I'll fix that on the next release.

> On this topic, I would be interested to hear people's advice on using
> the system provided Python v an independent install. In 25 years of
> using Macs I have learned through several painful lessons that its
> wise to customize the system as little as possible: this minimizes
> both conflicts and reduces problems when doing system upgrades. I
> have therefore always used the default Python provided by OSX, so far
> with no obvious disadvantages for the types of scripts I use
> (primarily home written SciPy scientific code). However, I note that
> many people run either the pythomac.org distribution, or the
> ActiveState. What are the advantages to this?

We should leave the System Python to Apple.  They use it, and have
numpy 1.0.1 installed with it.  Installing your own python with your
own packages (numpy 1.1, scipy, etc...) provides a clean division and
is less likely to create conflicts.

>From  http://developer.apple.com/tools/installerpolicy.html

" Off Limits
The folder /System is for Apple use only. It holds important operating
system files, and everyone using the machine relies on this folder.
Apple-provided system libraries and file systems live here. If you do
not know if your software belongs in here, chances are that it does
not. Mucking around in /System can lead to machine instability."

Thanks for your feedback,

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