[Numpy-discussion] The date/time dtype and the casting issue

Ivan Vilata i Balaguer ivan at selidor.net
Wed Jul 30 14:38:23 EDT 2008

Tom Denniston (el 2008-07-30 a les 13:12:45 -0500) va dir::

> If it's really just weekdays why not call it that instead of using a
> term like business days that (quite confusingly) suggests holidays are
> handled properly?

Yes, that may be a better term.  I guess we didn't choose that because
we aren't native English speakers, and because TimeSeries was already
using the other term.

> Also, I view the timezone and holiday issues as totally seperate.  I
> would definately NOT recommend basing holidays on a timezone because
> holidays are totally unrelated to timezones.  Usually when you deal
> with holidays, because they vary by application and country and change
> over time, you provide a calendar as an outside input.  That would be
> very useful if that were allowed, but might make the implementation
> rather complex.

I think that what Francesc was trying to say is that taking holidays
into account would be way too difficult to be implemented.  Timezones
were just an example of another (unrelated) feature we left out due to
its complexity.

> On 7/30/08, Francesc Alted <faltet at pytables.org> wrote:
> > A Wednesday 30 July 2008, Tom Denniston escrigué:
> > > When people are refering to busienss days are you talking about
> > > weekdays or are you saying weekday non-holidays?
> >
> > Plain weekdays.  Taking in account holidays for all the world round
> > would be certainly much more complex than timezones, which neither are
> > being considered in this proposal.


  Ivan Vilata i Balaguer   @ Intellectual Monopoly hinders Innovation! @
  http://www.selidor.net/  @     http://www.nosoftwarepatents.com/     @
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