[Numpy-discussion] Travis and the NumPy Documentation

Bill Baxter wbaxter at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 01:22:03 EST 2008

I just read the blog post about Travis switching jobs Enthought.  Was
that posted here?  If so I'm surprised I missed it.
Anyway that sounds like great news for the NumPy/SciPy communities.  I
hope it also is great news for you and your family, Travis.
I have to say that I took some amount of inspiration from seeing how
much you were able to do with the open source community while being a
tenure track prof, since I've thought about going to academia myself,
but would hate to give up involvement with open source projects.
Maybe I need to rethink the academia thing now, though.

My real question though -- I was wondering whether this move would
have any impact on the NumPy documentation?  I purchased my copy, and
am glad to have been able to contribute to your efforts by doing so,
but I know not everyone feels the same.  If I recall, part of the
incentive given for making the documentation for-fee was that your
day-job didn't compensate you for writing such documentation or other
NumPy efforts, so charging for documentation was one way to get back a
little something.  But if I understand correctly, your current
employer is very enthusiastic about your work on NumPy.  So how about
opening up the vault on the documentation a couple of years early?  Or
is there some sort of contractual agreement with Tregol that prevents

Just wondering.


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