[Numpy-discussion] matrix wart

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Fri Feb 22 14:11:26 EST 2008

> Alan G Isaac wrote:
>> I propose that the user-friendly question is:
>> why deviate needlessly from array behavior? 
>> (Needlessly means: no increase in functionality.)

On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Christopher Barker apparently wrote:
> because that's the whole point of a Matrix object in the 
> first place. 

Do you really believe that?  As phrased??
(Out of curiosity: do you use matrices?)

On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Christopher Barker apparently wrote:
> Functionally, you can do everything you need to do with numpy arrays. 

That is a pretty narrow concept of functionality,
which excludes all user convenience aspects.
I do not understand why you are introducing it;
it seems irrelevant.  If you push this line of
reasoning, you should just tell me I can do it
all in C.

On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Christopher Barker apparently wrote:
> The only reason there is a matrix class is to create 
> a more natural, and readable way to do linear algebra. 
> That's why the current version always returns matrices -- 
> people don't want to have to keep converting back to 
> matrices from arrays. 

You are begging the question.
Of course we want to be able to conveniently
extract submatrices and build new matrices.
Nobody has challenged that or proposed otherwise.

Or are you complaining that you would have to type M[i,:] 
instead of M[i]?  (No, that cannot be; you were proposing
that M[i] be an error...)

Alan Isaac

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