[Numpy-discussion] histogramdd memory needs

Lars Friedrich lfriedri at imtek.de
Mon Feb 4 03:37:51 EST 2008


> 2) Is there a way to use another algorithm (at the cost of performance)
>> > that uses less memory during calculation so that I can generate bigger
>> > histograms?
> You could work through your array block by block. Simply fix the range and
> generate an histogram for each slice of 100k data and sum them up at the
> end.

Thank you for your answer.

I sliced the (original) data into blocks. However, when I do this, I 
need at least twice the memory for the whole histogram (one for the 
temporary result and one for accumulating the total result). Assuming my 
histogram has a size of (280**3)*8 = 176 (megabytes) this does not help, 
I think.

What I will try next is to compute smaller parts of the big histogram 
and combine them at the end. (Slice the histogram into blocks) Is it 
this, that you were recommending?


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