[Numpy-discussion] np.bincount() won't accept list or array from np.random.beta and acts like len

Michael mnandris at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Aug 9 16:19:47 EDT 2008

Hi list,

I have found np.bincount() not to behave as expected when provided with
data from np.random.beta.

It works fine with lists, but not the type returned by np.random.beta...
there seems to be a block on casting too. When it does give output on
np.array it just reports the number of items, like len()


x = np.array([1,1,1,1,2,2,4,4,5,6,6,6])
print np.bincount(x)

prior = np.random.beta(2,7,1000)
a = prior.tolist()

print type(a)    
print np.bincount(a)

b = [ round(i,2) for i in a ] 
print b; print type(b)
print np.bincount(b) 
#c = np.array(a)
#print np.bincount(c); print type(c)

i know its easily solved but bincount is probably faster than making a
pass over the probabilities and hashing them as strings etc

have got a class that subclasses dict and accepts np.random.beta as
	for prob in seq: 
	    self.bincount( prob )

    def bincount( self, pr, increment=1 ):
	strPr = str(round(pr,self.dp)) 			
 	self[strPr] = increment + self.get( strPr, 0 )

would prefer the one-liner:

    self.bincount = np.bincount(seq) 	

any ideas? 


Michael Nandris

(btw apologies for the cross posting)
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