[Numpy-discussion] Bilateral filter

Nadav Horesh nadavh at visionsense.com
Tue Aug 5 13:42:50 EDT 2008

As much as I know, the python's community is bound to the BSD style licence. I was hoping that the code would be included in scipy, after I would attach the required declaration (I do not know which), and maybe with some adjustment to the coding style.

In short, for the next few days I am waiting for comments and responses that would enable me to donate the code to an existing project (scipy? pyvision?). Meanwhile I'll improve the co a bit. If you can't wait, and not willing to use the code without a licence statement, I'll repost the code with the scipy's licence declaration.


-----הודעה מקורית-----
מאת: numpy-discussion-bounces at scipy.org בשם Zachary Pincus
נשלח: ג 05-אוגוסט-08 19:29
אל: Discussion of Numerical Python
נושא: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Bilateral filter
> Attached here my cython implementation of the bilateral filter,  
> which is my first cython program. I would ask for the following:

Thanks for the code! I know it will be of use to me. (Do you place any  
particular license on it?)


On Aug 5, 2008, at 9:38 AM, Nadav Horesh wrote:

> Attached here my cython implementation of the bilateral filter,  
> which is my first cython program. I would ask for the following:
> 	• Is there any way to speed up the code just by "cosmetic"  
> modifications?
> 	• In particular I use the unportable gcc function __builtin_abs: Is  
> there any way to access this in a portable way?
> 	• I would like to donate this code to scipy or any other suitable  
> project. What can/should I do to realise it?
> Remarks:
> The code contains 3 end-user routines:
> 	• A pure python implementation: Easy to read and modify --- it can  
> be cut out into a python source code.
> 	• A straight forward cython implementation: About 4 times as fast  
> as the python implementation.
> 	• An optimised cython implementation earning another factor of 2 in  
> speed (depends on the parameters used).
> I see this code as a "research grade" that would evolve in the near  
> future, as I am working on a related project, and hopefully  
> following your comments.
>   Nadav
> <bilateral.pyx>_______________________________________________
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