[Numpy-discussion] 64bit issue?

Charles Doutriaux doutriaux1 at llnl.gov
Tue Aug 5 13:20:10 EDT 2008

Hello I'm running into some strange error on a 64bit machine,
I tracked it down to this line returning a NULL pointer, any idea why is 
I tried both numpy1.1.1 and what in trunk, numpy.test() passes for both

Ok here's the uname of the machine and the offending line:

Linux quartic.txcorp.com 2.6.20-1.2320.fc5 #1 SMP Tue Jun 12 18:50:49 
EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

  array = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(d, dims, self->type);

where d is 3 and dims: 120,46,72
self->type is 11

it seems to pass with d=1, but i'm not 100% positive.

Any idea on why it could be failing?



PS: just in case here are numpy.test results:
 >>> import numpy
 >>> numpy.test()
Numpy is installed in 
Numpy version 1.1.1
Python version 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Aug  4 2008, 13:47:12) [GCC 4.1.1 
20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-51)]
  Found 3/3 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_memmap
  Found 145/145 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_regression
  Found 12/12 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_records
  Found 3/3 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_errstate
  Found 72/72 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_numeric
  Found 36/36 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_numerictypes
  Found 290/290 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_multiarray
  Found 18/18 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_defmatrix
  Found 63/63 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_unicode
  Found 16/16 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_umath
  Found 7/7 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_scalarmath
  Found 2/2 tests for numpy.core.tests.test_ufunc
  Found 5/5 tests for numpy.distutils.tests.test_misc_util
  Found 4/4 tests for numpy.distutils.tests.test_fcompiler_gnu
  Found 2/2 tests for numpy.fft.tests.test_fftpack
  Found 3/3 tests for numpy.fft.tests.test_helper
  Found 15/15 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_twodim_base
  Found 1/1 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_machar
  Found 1/1 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_regression
  Found 43/43 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_type_check
  Found 1/1 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_ufunclike
  Found 15/15 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_io
  Found 25/25 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test__datasource
  Found 10/10 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_arraysetops
  Found 1/1 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_financial
  Found 4/4 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_polynomial
  Found 6/6 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_index_tricks
  Found 49/49 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_shape_base
  Found 55/55 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_function_base
  Found 5/5 tests for numpy.lib.tests.test_getlimits
  Found 3/3 tests for numpy.linalg.tests.test_regression
  Found 89/89 tests for numpy.linalg.tests.test_linalg
  Found 96/96 tests for numpy.ma.tests.test_core
  Found 19/19 tests for numpy.ma.tests.test_mrecords
  Found 15/15 tests for numpy.ma.tests.test_extras
  Found 4/4 tests for numpy.ma.tests.test_subclassing
  Found 36/36 tests for numpy.ma.tests.test_old_ma
  Found 1/1 tests for numpy.oldnumeric.tests.test_oldnumeric
  Found 7/7 tests for numpy.tests.test_random
  Found 16/16 tests for numpy.testing.tests.test_utils
  Found 6/6 tests for numpy.tests.test_ctypeslib
Ran 1292 tests in 1.237s

<unittest._TextTestResult run=1292 errors=0 failures=0>

 >>> import numpy
 >>> numpy.test()
Running unit tests for numpy
NumPy version 1.2.0.dev5611
NumPy is installed in 
Python version 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Aug  4 2008, 13:47:12) [GCC 4.1.1 
20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-51)]
nose version 0.10.3
Ran 1924 tests in 7.046s

OK (SKIP=45)
<nose.result.TextTestResult run=1924 errors=0 failures=0>

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