[Numpy-discussion] access ndarray in C++

Andreas Klöckner lists at informa.tiker.net
Wed Apr 23 15:30:22 EDT 2008

On Mittwoch 23 April 2008, Christopher Barker wrote:
> Most folks now think that the pain of writing extensions completely by
> hand is not worth it -- it's just too easy to make reference counting
> mistakes, etc. Most folks are now using one of:
> Cython (or Pyrex)
> ctypes

IMO, all of these deal better with C than they do with C++. There is also a 
number of more C++-affine solutions:

- Boost Python [1]. Especially if you want usable C++ integration. (ie. more 
than basic templates, etc.)

- sip [2]. Used for PyQt.


[1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_35_0/libs/python/doc/index.html
[2] http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/sip/index.php
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