[Numpy-discussion] Truth value of an array

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Fri Apr 18 16:42:39 EDT 2008

On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, Joe Harrington apparently wrote:
> For that matter, is there a reason logical operations don't work on 
> arrays other than booleans?  What about:
> import numpy 
> x = numpy.ones((10), dtype='Bool')
> y = numpy.ones((10), dtype='Bool')
> y[6] = False 
> z = x and y   # logical AND: this one fails with an error about arrays 

It's the same reason.
(See the other comments in this thread.)
Do this::

    x = numpy.ones((10), dtype='Bool')
    y = numpy.ones((10), dtype='Bool')
    y[6] = False
    z= x&y

Alan Isaac

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