[Numpy-discussion] Segmentation fault

Anne-Sophie Sertier sertier at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
Thu Apr 17 05:51:04 EDT 2008

Hello !

I'm a new user of Numpy. I want to use it to work with matrices (very
huge matrices), select column, make product, etc ...
Configuration : Debian, python 2.4.4 and numpy 1.0.1

So here is my problem:
I initialize a matrix which will contain only 0 and 1

 >>> from numpy import *
>>> matCons = zeros((194844,267595)),dtype=int8)

then I put the 1s according to my conditions

>>> for i in range(194844):
		clusters = consensus[namesP[i]]
	except KeyError:
	for clus in clusters:
		ind = argmax(namesC.find(clus))	# search of index
		matrix[i,ind] = 1

finaly I want to select some columns in this matrix.

So I did for example:

>>> matCons[:,(1,2)]

and I obtain the segmentation fault.
I try to select one column by one, which is possible :

>>> a = matCons[:,1]

but if I try to put it in a new matrix, I have again te segmentation fault

>>> tmp = zeros((194844,2),int8)
>>> tmp[:,0] = a

I make some tests like this one :
>>> matrix = zeros((194844,267595),int8)
>>> a = matrix[:,0]
>>> for i in range(len(a)):
	print i, a[i]

2221 0
2222 0
2223 0
2224 0
2225 0
2226 0
2227 0
2228 0
2229 0
2230 0
2231 0
2232 0
2233 0
2234 0
2235 0
2236 0
2237 0
2238 0
2239 0
2240 0
2241 95
2242 0
2243 0
2244 101
2245 0
2246 15
2247 -112
2248 -115
2249 -1
2250 84
2251 -99
2252 -1
2253 60
2254 -49
2255 -1
2256 17
2257 -35
2258 -119
2259 -35
2260 -1
2261 52
2262 -1
2263 -1
2264 -35
2265 -1
2266 121
2267 1
2268 0
2269 0
2270 0
2271 0
2272 28
2273 50
2274 4
2275 -1
2276 -24
2277 0
2278 0
2279 0
2280 -58
2281 0
2282 0
2283 0
2284 0
2285 -1
2286 -69
2287 12
2288 -36
2289 8
2290 66
Erreur de segmentation
But if I do the same things on a matrix with dimension 194844*300, it 
works well.

So if someone can explain me why it does not work in my case...

Thanks in advance.


Anne-Sophie Sertier, Doctorante monitrice
UMR 5558, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive
Université Lyon1, bât G. Mendel 2è étage
43 bd du 11 novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne cedex

Tel: 04 26 23 44 76

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