[Numpy-discussion] Release of NumPy

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Tue Apr 15 10:33:27 EDT 2008

> On 15/04/2008, Alan G Isaac <aisaac at american.edu> wrote:
>>  Fixing this has been under discussion for the 1.1 
>>  release
>>  for some time now.  To my recollection, no users of matrices
>>  objected, and the abstract objections from non-users
>>  subsided.

On Tue, 15 Apr 2008, Stéfan van der Walt apparently wrote:
> I'm still -1 on this.  I think we should follow Tim's suggestion and 
> implement RowVectors and ColumnVectors. 

I thought the context of the discussion had become something 
like this: there is no reason for the matrix interface to 
deviate from the array interface except as needed to provide 
specific desired functionality.  Essentially,

        - matrix multiplication
        - powers of square matrices
        - submatrix creation

The proposal on the table is to remove an unneeded (and 
unwanted) deviation of the matrix API from the ndarray API.
That is all.

Adding row and column vectors is really orthogonal to the 
change under discussion.  (And let me add, as a user of 
matrices, I am never feeling the need for these. Are you?)

Alan Isaac

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