[Numpy-discussion] how to include numpy headers when building an extension?

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 11 03:13:00 EDT 2007

Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
> Christopher Barker wrote:
>> I know this has been discussed, but why doesn't numpy put its includes 
>> somewhere that distutils would know where to find it?
> I think one answer is because distutils doesn't have defaults that play 
> well with eggs.   NumPy provides very nice extensions to distutils which 
> will correctly add the include directories you need.
Concerning numpy.distutils, is anyone working on improving it ? There 
was some work started, but I have not seen any news on this front: am I 
missing something ? I would really like to have the possibility to 
compile custom extensions to be used through ctypes, and didn't go very 
far just by myself, unfortunately (understanding distutils is not 
trivial, to say the least).


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