[Numpy-discussion] abstraction and interfaces

Renato Serodio renato.serodio at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 03:33:36 EDT 2007

Hello there,

thanks to your pointer, I've progressed further on the OO concept, and
am currently building analysis, inputData and outputResults interfaces
that should add some flexibility to my program.

On the other hand, pulling the OO and interfaces string opened a box
full of little critters, and now I'm learning about UML, some advanced
class usage and so on. My brain hurts..



On 12/10/2007, Alan G Isaac <aisaac at american.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007, Renato Serodio apparently wrote:
> > The scripts that produce these metrics use Scipy/Numpy
> > functions that operate on data conveniently converted to
> > numpy arrays. They're quite specific, and I tend to
> > produce/tweak a lot of them. So, to fit in this
> > application someone suggested I programmed 'interfaces'
> > (in java jargon) to them - that way I could develop the
> > whole wrapper application without giving much thought to
> > the actual number-crunching bits.
> That sounds quite right.  Check out
> <URL:https://projects.scipy.org/scipy/scikits/browser/trunk/openopt/scikits/openopt/solvers/optimizers/optimizer>
> <URL:http://svn.scipy.org/svn/scipy/trunk/scipy/stats/models/>
> for examples that may be relevant to your project.
> Python does not have interfaces per se, but that does
> not stop you from designing interface-like classes and
> inheriting from them.
> fwiw,
> Alan Isaac
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