[Numpy-discussion] .bytes

Nadav Horesh nadavh at visionsense.com
Sun Oct 14 11:11:13 EDT 2007

array(1, dtype=float32).itemsize


-----Original Message-----
From: numpy-discussion-bounces at scipy.org on behalf of Yves Revaz
Sent: Sun 14-Oct-07 16:44
To: numpy-discussion at scipy.org
Subject: [Numpy-discussion] .bytes
Dear list,

I'm translating codes from numarray to numpy.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to find the equivalent of the command
that give the number of bytes for a given type :
using numarray I used :

 >>> Float32.bytes

I'm sure there is a solution in numpy,
but I'm unable to find it.



                                                (o o)
  Yves Revaz
  Lerma Batiment A           Tel : ++ 33 (0) 1 40 51 20 79
  Observatoire de Paris      Fax : ++ 33 (0) 1 40 51 20 02 
  77 av Denfert-Rochereau    e-mail : yves.revaz at obspm.fr
  F-75014 Paris              Web : http://www.lunix.ch/revaz/

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