[Numpy-discussion] adopting Python Style Guide for classes

Francesc Altet faltet at carabos.com
Tue Oct 2 13:28:55 EDT 2007

A Tuesday 02 October 2007, Timothy Hochberg escrigué:
> One approach would be CapWords the superclasses of these that are
> subclassable, but leave the leaf types alone. For example, looking at
> float32 and its bases :
>    - numpy.generic -> numpy.Generic
>    - numpy.number -> numpy.Number
>    - numpy.inexact -> numpy.Inexact
>    - numpy.floating -> numpy.Floating
>    - numpy.float32 stays the same
> This is probably a lot less painful in terms of backwards
> compatibility.

Yeah.  I second this also.

>0,0<   Francesc Altet     http://www.carabos.com/
V   V   Cárabos Coop. V.   Enjoy Data

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