[Numpy-discussion] GPU implementation?

James Turner jturner at gemini.edu
Thu May 31 20:11:45 EDT 2007

Hi Martin,

 > I was wondering if anyone has thought about accelerating NumPy with a
 > GPU. For example nVidia's CUDA SDK provides a feasible way to offload
 > vector math onto the very fast SIMD processors available on the GPU.
 > Currently GPUs primarily support single precision floats and are not
 > IEEE compliant, but still could be useful for some applications.

I wasn't actually there, but I noticed that last year's SciPy
conference page includes a talk entitled "GpuPy: Using GPUs to
Accelerate NumPy", by Benjamin Eitzen (I think I also found his Web
page via Google):


I also wondered whether Benjamin or anyone else who is interested had
come across the Open Graphics Project (hadn't got around to asking)?


This would be quite a specialized combination, but I'm sure it could
be useful to some people with high performance requirements or maybe
building some kind of special appliances.



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