[Numpy-discussion] SciPy Journal

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Thu May 31 13:34:23 EDT 2007

Christopher Barker wrote:

>Anne Archibald wrote:
>>I implemented the Kuiper statistic and would be happy to
>>contribute it to scipy (once it's seen a bit more debugging), but it's
>>quite adequately described in the literature already, so it doesn't
>>seem worth writing an article about it.
>It could be a very short article that refers the seminal papers in the 
>existing literature -- that would still be very helpful.
>>>2) I think it's scope should be limited to papers that describe
>>>algorithms and code that are in NumPy / SciPy / SciKits.
>I don't see any reason to limit it -- honestly, the problem is more 
>likely to be too few articles than too many! Anything that would make 
>sense at the SciPy conference should be fair game. We might want to have 
>a clear structure that isolates the NumPy/SciPy/SciKits articles though.
I'm persuaded by this.  Yes, we could handle this by the structure so 
that the code-explaining articles are clear.   Perhaps two sections or 
two publication lists.


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