[Numpy-discussion] Documentation

Travis Vaught travis at enthought.com
Mon May 14 12:35:29 EDT 2007

Just to be thorough...

enthought's endo package generates the attached docs when running this:

python ~/svnrepos/enthought/src/lib/enthought/endo/scripts/endo.py -r  
core -p core --rst -d docs

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I don't want to confuse the numpy documentation landscape, but if  
anything in endo is useful, we'd love to see it get some use.



On May 14, 2007, at 9:48 AM, Charles R Harris wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've been trying out epydoc to see how things look. Apart from all  
> the error messages, it does run. However, I didn't like the  
> appearance of the documentation structured as suggested in numpy/ 
> doc, either in the terminal or in the generated html. In  
> particular, I didn't like the consolidated lists and the  
> interpreted variable names. I can see where these might be useful  
> down the road, but for now I stuck to definition lists with  
> italicized headings and plain old variable names.
> Another problem we might want to address are the doctest blocks.  
> Numpy inserts blank lines when it is printing out multidimensional  
> arrays and because blank lines indicate the end of the block that  
> screws up the formatting. It would also be nice to make the SeeAlso  
> entries links to relevant functions.
> Anyway, I've attached the html file generated from fromnumeric.py  
> for your flamage and suggestions. The routines I restructured are  
> sort, argsort, searchsorted, diagonal, std, var, and mean.
> Chuck
> <docs.zip>
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