[Numpy-discussion] New Operators in Python

dmitrey openopt at ukr.net
Mon Mar 26 05:42:35 EDT 2007

The unicode keyboards sailing everywhere is just a matter of time
And python 2-symbol operators soon will look obsolete, this will 
increase migrating from python to Sun fortress etc. I took a look at 
their unicode syntax for math formulas
it looks (vs Python) (or even MATLAB) like Pentium 4 vs Intel 386 
It just allows copy-paste from articles of many formulas, including 
"ro", 'beta' and other non-ascii symbols
Also, implementing unicode will allow separate operators for (for 
example) MATLAB cross() equivalent (vector multiplication of vectors).

René Bastian wrote:
> Hello,
> I am interest both in numarray type multiplication and matrix type 
> multiplication.
> But I am not shure that I can buy an Unicode keyboard.
> May be it would be possible to implement a class with
> user "definissable" (?) signs.
> My choice :
> a * b -> numarray type multi
> a !* b -> matrix

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