[Numpy-discussion] recompiling needed for binary module after numpy 1.0

Erin Sheldon erin.sheldon at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 03:38:19 EST 2007

On 1/7/07, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:
> belinda thom wrote:
> > There's other reasons --- mostly curiousity driven --- that motivate
> > me to try a "rawer" (e.g. source, non-pkg based) install:
> >
> > 1) My current kludge only supports TkAgg, so I can't play w/the wx
> > backend at all. Have no idea why
> > 2) My current kludge only works w/numpy; under Numeric, matplotlib
> > plotting dies.
> > 3) If I used the numpy/scipy bundles from http://www.macpython.org/,
> > I'd get the C API error Sebastian was originally talking about. I
> > have no idea how to fix this.
> The way to "fix" it is to use or build binaries of scipy and matplotlib that
> were compiled against the same version of numpy that you have installed.
> * Make sure that you have the latest version of XCode available for your system.
> I believe this is 2.4.1 right now.
>   http://developer.apple.com/tools/download/
> * Install a FORTRAN compiler suitable for your system. For a Universal build of
> Python, you will need gfortran. Get binaries from here:
>   http://hpc.sourceforge.net/
> For PowerPC:
>   http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/hpc/gfortran-bin.tar.gz?download
> For Intel:
>   http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/hpc/gfortran-intel-bin.tar.gz?download
> Install them according to the instructions on that page.
> * Get the source code for numpy. The latest release is 1.0.1 and would be a good
> bet.
>   http://downloads.sourceforge.net/numpy/numpy-1.0.1.tar.gz
> * Unpack it and cd to the source directory in the Terminal.
> * Run the setup script to build and install numpy.
>   $ python setup.py build
>   $ python setup.py install
> Depending on how you've set up permissions inside the Python framework and
> wherever you've configured scripts to be installed to, you might need to issue
> the last command with root permissions using sudo.
> * Get the source code for scipy. The latest release is 0.5.2 and would be a good
> bet.
>   http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scipy/scipy-0.5.2.tar.gz
> * Unpack it and cd to the source directory in the Terminal.
> * Run the setup script to build and install scipy. Be sure to use the following
> command line arguments to ensure that your FORTRAN compiler is picked up correctly.
>   $ python setup.py build_src build_clib --fcompiler=gnu95 build_ext
> --fcompiler=gnu95 build
>   $ python setup.py install
> As with numpy, the latter command might need to be run with root permissions.
> matplotlib is trickier because it has more external dependencies. I suggest you
> ask on the matplotlib list for more information, but this is what I do:
> * I install the appropriate wxPython binary. I'm currently using the wxPython
> 2.6 series since 2.8 is so new; I'm not sure if matplotlib works with it.
> Depending on your Python version, use one of these:
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython2.6-osx-unicode-
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython2.6-osx-unicode-
> * I use MacPorts to install the other dependencies.
>   $ sudo port install libjpeg
>   $ sudo port install libpng
>   $ sudo port install libfreetype
> * Now, get the matplotlib source. The latest release is 0.87.7 and is a good bet.
>   http://downloads.sourceforge.net/matplotlib/matplotlib-0.87.7.tar.gz
> * Unpack it and cd to the source directory in the Terminal.
> * In order to tell matplotlib where to find the MacPorts libraries, you need to
> edit setupext.py:
> Index: setupext.py
> ===================================================================
> --- setupext.py (revision 2861)
> +++ setupext.py (working copy)
> @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
>      'linux2' : ['/usr/local', '/usr',],
>      'linux'  : ['/usr/local', '/usr',],
>      'cygwin' : ['/usr/local', '/usr',],
> -    'darwin' : ['/sw/lib/freetype2', '/sw/lib/freetype219', '/usr/local',
> +    'darwin' : ['/opt/local', '/usr/local',
>                  '/usr', '/sw'],
>      'freebsd4' : ['/usr/local', '/usr'],
>      'freebsd5' : ['/usr/local', '/usr'],
> * Now just build and install like any other Python package.
>   $ python setup.py build
>   $ python setup.py install

I just got a new MacBook Pro, core 2 duo.  There is no
numpy/scipy fink distro for the intels yet so I tried out
Robert's suggestions above.  I installed python 2.5 as
the base.  I can confirm that all is working well for
numpy and scipy.

Matplotlib compiled, but gave some odd warnings such

/usr/bin/ld: warning fat file: /usr/local/lib/libgcc_s.10.4.dylib does
not contain an architecture that matches the specified -arch flag: ppc
(file ignored)

And when I run a "import pylab" with either wxAgg or TkAgg as
my backend it just segfaults.  Any ideas? The
only way I differed from Robert's suggestions was I used fink
to install jpeg,png,freetype.
  fink install libjpeg
  fink install libpng3
  fink install freetype2
And I did not alter the setupext.py file.


> --
> Robert Kern
> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
>  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
>  an underlying truth."
>   -- Umberto Eco
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