[Numpy-discussion] subclassing recarray

Stefan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Jan 2 03:22:19 EST 2007

Hi Matthew

On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 02:30:34AM -0500, Matthew Koichi Grimes wrote:
> Is it hard to subclass recarrays? I'm currently working on a subclass 
> that  doesn't add much; just some methods that sets all the values to 
> zero and other similarly trivial things. It'd be nice to make it work, 
> but if I have to use external functions on a plain recarray instead of 
> this subclass, I won't be found weeping in the corner.

Pierre wrote this useful wiki entry on subclassing:


It describes exactly what you want to do.

Find attached some example code.

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