[Numpy-discussion] installation documentation

Toon Knapen toon.knapen at fft.be
Thu Feb 22 09:59:53 EST 2007

Travis Oliphant wrote:
> If you don't care about using "vendor-specific math libraries" then it's 
> as easy as
> python setup.py install
> on linux and aix (it's also that easy on Windows if you have the right 
> compiler and/or configuration file set up).
> If you care about vendor specific libraries, then you have to either put 
> them in a "known" place or write a site.cfg file.   (We should document 
> where the "known" places are...)
> The installation process uses distutils and so information about 
> distutils that you can glean from other places is also relevant.
> Ask on the mailing list for more specifics.

Ok, here goes ;-)

First of all, when installing on windows-x86 using msvc7.1 and 
python-2.5, the build of numpy crashes because it was looking for 
python25.lib and was looking in the lib directory of the python 
installation. However, I compiled python-2.5 using the solution-file 
that comes with it and this one generated the python25.lib file in the 
pcbuild subdirectory (and does not copy it to the lib directory). After 
copying it manually, the build worked.

However when trying to use vendor specific libraries, I run into 
trouble. First of all, on linux-x86 I think I have set it up right but 
how do I verify this? I have the same problem as mentioned in:
I also found numpy.__config__.show() but this does not show any tuned 
lapack library although I had one in my site.cfg. Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance,

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