[Numpy-discussion] setting items in a matrix

lorenzo bolla lbolla at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 03:29:18 EST 2007

or, you can either use fill.

In [53]: M = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((3,5)))
In [55]: M.fill(999)
In [56]: M
matrix([[ 999.,  999.,  999.,  999.,  999.],
        [ 999.,  999.,  999.,  999.,  999.],
        [ 999.,  999.,  999.,  999.,  999.]])


On 12/21/07, devnew at gmail.com <devnew at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi
> i am a beginner with numpy and python,so pardon me if this doubt seems
> silly
> i want to create a matrix with say 3 rows and 5 columns..and then set
> the values of each item in it .for this i did something like below
> myarray=zeros((3,5))
> #then set the items
> for row in range(3):
>    for col in range(5):
>        myarray[row][col]=999999.9999
> mymatrix=matrix(myarray)
> is this the way to do the matrix creation and value setting?  is the
> use of  zeros() unnecessary?  i  am in the early learning stage so
> your reply wd help me much
> dn
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