[Numpy-discussion] Inplace reshape

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 13:44:56 EDT 2007

On Monday 23 April 2007 13:36:26 Christopher Barker wrote:
> Gael Varoquaux wrote:
> > Unless I miss something obvious "a.reshape()" doesn't modify a, which is
> > somewhat missleading, IMHO.
> quite correct. .reshape() creates a new array that shared data with the
> original:

Mmh. My understanding is that .reshape() creates a *view* of the original 
array, so no data is actually copied. The only thing that changes is how the 
data is read. That means that modifying the reshaped version will modify the 


>>>import numpy as N
array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  0.]])
array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

>>>b += 1
array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
array([[ 1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.]])

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