[Numpy-discussion] how to compile numpy with visual-studio-2003?

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Thu Sep 28 03:11:04 EDT 2006

mg wrote:
> Hello,
> I just download the newly Python-2.5 and Numpy-1.0rc1 and all work fine 
> on Linux-x86 32 and 64bit platforms.
> Now, I try to compile the both distributions on WindowsXP with 
> VisualStudio2003. No problem to compile Python-2.5, but i have some 
> troubles with Numpy-1.0rc1 and I didn't find any help in the provided 
> setup.py. So, does someone can tell me how to do it?
I don't use VisualStudio2003 on Windows to compile NumPy (I use mingw).  
Tim Hochberg once used a microsoft compiler to compile a previous 
version of NumPy and some things had to be fixed to make it work.  I'm 
not sure if some in-compatibilities have crept in since then or not.  
But, I'd sure like to resolve it if they have.

So, please post what problems you are having.  You may be the first 
person to try a microsoft compiler with Python 2.5


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