Unit test error with numpy rc3

Tim Hochberg tim.hochberg at ieee.org
Thu Oct 19 12:03:10 EDT 2006

Travis Oliphant wrote:
> Tim Hochberg wrote:
>> Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>> Tim Hochberg wrote:
>>>> Rudolph van der Merwe wrote:
>>>>> I get the following error with RC3 on a RHE Linux box:
>>>>> Python 2.4.3 (#4, Mar 31 2006, 12:12:43)
>>>>> [GCC 3.4.5 20051201 (Red Hat 3.4.5-2)] on linux2
>>>>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>>>>>> import numpy
>>>>>>>> numpy.__version__
>>>>> '1.0rc3'
>>>> On a visual studio build, I'm getting a real failure though:
>>>>    FAIL: Ticket #112
>>>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>    Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>      File
>>>>    "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\tests\test_regression.py",
>>>>    line 219, in check_longfloat_repr
>>>>        assert(str(a)[1:9] == str(a[0])[:8])
>>>>    AssertionError
>>>> The code in question is dependent on the spelling of INF(or at least the 
>>>> *length* of the spelling) on a given platform which is why it's failing. 
>>> Actually, you shouldn't be getting an INF at all.    This is what the 
>>> test is designed to test for (so I guess it's working).  The test was 
>>> actually written wrong and was never failing because previously keyword 
>>> arguments to ufuncs were ignored. 
>>> Can you show us what 'a' is on your platform.
>> Sure:
>>>>> import numpy as N
>>>>> a = N.exp(N.array([1000],dtype=N.longfloat))
>> Warning: overflow encountered in exp
>>>>> a
>> array([1.#INF], dtype=float64)
> O.K.   We need to modify the test in case to check and see that the size 
> of longfloat isn't the same as double.
How about:

    def check_longfloat_repr(self,level=rlevel):
        """Ticket #112"""
        if N.dtype(N.longfloat) != N.dtype(N.float):
            a = N.exp(N.array([1000],dtype=N.longfloat))
            assert(str(a)[1:9] == str(a[0])[:8])

That seems to work here.


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