[Numpy-discussion] Vectorizing code, for loops, and all that

Bill Baxter wbaxter at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 05:15:25 EDT 2006

Er, is this the PyEM in question?
It doesn't have much of a web presence...


On 10/3/06, David Cournapeau <david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
> Albert Strasheim wrote:
> > Hello all
> >
> > I recently started looking at David Cournapeau's PyEM package, specifically
> > his implementation of the K-Means algorithm. He implemented part of this
> > algorithm with in pure Python version and also provided a Pyrex alternative
> > that is significantly faster (about 10 times with the data I tested with). I
> > tried to figure out why this is so.

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