can this be made faster?

A. M. Archibald peridot.faceted at
Mon Oct 9 14:30:03 EDT 2006

On 09/10/06, Robert Kern <robert.kern at> wrote:
> Daniel Mahler wrote:
> > In my case all a, b, c are large with b and c being orders of
> > magnitude lareger than a.
> > b is known to contain only, but potentially any, a-indexes,  reapeated
> > many times.
> > c contains arbitray floats.
> > essentially it is to compute class totals
> > as in total[class[i]] += value[i]
> In that case, a slight modification to Greg's suggestion will probably be fastest:

If a is even moderately large and you don't care what's left behind in
b and c you will probably accelerate the process by sorting b and c
together (for cache coherency in a)

This seems like a rather common operation - I know I've needed it on
at least two occasions - is it worth creating some sort of C
implementation? What is the appropriate generalization?

A. M. Archibald

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