[Numpy-discussion] Numpy Documentation

David M. Cooke cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca
Tue Nov 21 12:13:33 EST 2006

On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 08:17:56 -0500
"Colin J. Williams" <cjw at sympatico.ca> wrote:

> The new Example List with Documentation is a great help.
> It could also be helpful to have:
> information about the dump/dumps format.

It's a Python pickle, so treat it as an opaque binary string. Doc update in

> some clarification regarding the (nested) sequence acceptable by array().
> It would appear to require a homogeneous sequence, perhaps there are other
> restrictions.. Colin W.

|David M. Cooke                      http://arbutus.physics.mcmaster.ca/dmc/
|cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca

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