[Numpy-discussion] mysql -> record array

Eric Emsellem emsellem at obs.univ-lyon1.fr
Sun Nov 19 08:30:52 EST 2006

Hi Travis,

sorry to bother you with that, but who's responsible with the numpy list?
I am receiving ALL numpy-list emails directly now (although I always opted for
the bundle option and checked that it is still on). I sent a mail about this,
but no answer so far.

Anything wrong with the list? Something changed ? (my mailbox is getting really



> Erin Sheldon wrote:
> > Hi Travis -
> >
> > That is an impressive speed increase.  Why is w/o dtype taking
> > so much longer?  Is this just from determining elements sizes and
> > counts?
> >
> If you don't specify the data-type, then the auto-discovery algorithm
> looks at each element in the nested sequence to determine what the
> data-type should be.  This takes a while.
> -Travis
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