Reading records from file and sorting

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at
Wed Nov 1 23:52:34 EST 2006

On 11/1/06, George Sakkis <george.sakkis at> wrote:
> Albert Strasheim wrote:
> > Check the thread "Strange results when sorting array with fields" from
> > about a week back. Travis made some changes to sorting in the presence
> > of fields that should solve your problem, assuming your fields appear in
> > the order you want to sort (i.e. you want to sort f1, f2, f3 and not
> > something like f1, f3, f2).
> I'm afraid this won't help in my case; I want to sort twice, once by f1
> and once by f2. I guess I could make a second file with the fields
> swapped but this seems more messy and inefficient than Francesc's
> suggestion.

Do you actually want the two different orders, or do you want to sort on the
first field, then sort all the items with the same first field on the second

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