[Numpy-discussion] Re: Any Numeric or numarray users on this list?

Nick Fotopoulos nvf at MIT.EDU
Wed May 31 13:48:04 EDT 2006

> 1) Have you transitioned or started to transition to NumPy (i.e.  
> import
> numpy)?

Yes, I've pretty much decided that numpy is the way to go with my  
young analysis codes, even though it is going to be somewhat painful  
to distribute to my colleagues and among compute nodes in clusters.   
I am saved by the fact that we all work within an NFS space, so I can  
host up-to-date compiles of numpy and scipy without requiring root  
access nor requiring everyone to compile their own.  Of course, I  
will end up giving them a few lines of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to add.

Old codes that used Numeric have all transitioned smoothly to numpy  
in my internal tests.  I may distribute two versions (one Numeric,  
one numpy) for wider distribution outside my clusters, but there may  
be a better way to do this.

> 2) Will you transition within the next 6 months? (if you answered  
> No to #1)
> 3) Please, explain your reason(s) for not making the switch. (if you
> answered No to #2)
> 4) Please provide any suggestions for improving NumPy.

I think NumPy is fantastic.  That said, even the fantastic can  
improve.  I am very happy with numpy as software, so my comments are  
mostly about adoption and accessibility.

I'd really like to see the team getting packages (32 and 64 bit) into  
standard Redhat, Debian, and Fink repositories quickly after a  
release.  I believe Redhat is at numpy 0.9.5 and neither Debian  
(testing) nor Fink have packages in the default repositories.  Having  
to add extra lines to /etc/apt/sources.list (or Redhat equivalent) to  
grab packages from private repositories will dissuade a lot of people  
from adopting numpy.  Many of them are the same people who are unable  
to compile it themselves.  Up-to-date packages also help me with my  
problem in #1 -- an admin will happily yum an rpm for me an all of  
the cluster nodes, but might not be willing to install it from a  
nonstandard source.

I agree that Googlability is very important and easily addressable.   
I'm glad someone brought this up.  Btw, googling "numpy rpm" brings  
up http://pylab.sourceforge.net/, which is some more of Travis's old  
Numeric stuff (labeled as such on the page).

Thanks for the hard work in coding and thanks for keeping a thriving  
discussion list going.

Take care,

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