[Numpy-discussion] basearray / arraykit

Sasha ndarray at mac.com
Thu May 11 10:03:02 EDT 2006

On 5/11/06, Tim Hochberg <tim.hochberg at cox.net> wrote:
> [...]
> On this front, it's probably at least thinking a bit about whether there
> is any prospect of harmonizing ctypes type notation and the numpy
> data-type object. It seems somewhat silly to have (1) array.arrays
> notation for types ['i'. 'f', etc], (2)  ctypes notation for types
> [c_int, c_float, etc] and (3) numpy's notation for types [dtype('<i4'),
> dtype('<f8')].

Don't forget (4) the struct module (similar to (1), but not exactly
the same).  Also I am not familiar with Boost.Python, but it must have
some way to reflect C++ types to Python.  If anyone on this list uses
Boost.Python, please think if we can borrow any ideas from there.

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