[Numpy-discussion] profiling code with hotshot and Numeric/numpy/scipy/...

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Fri May 5 00:36:06 EDT 2006

On Thu, 4 May 2006, Fernando Perez wrote:

> On 5/4/06, Arnd Baecker <arnd.baecker at web.de> wrote:
> > I use hotshot in combination with hotshot2cachegrind
> > and kcachegrind to get a nice visual display and line-by-line
> > profilings
> > (http://mail.enthought.com/pipermail/enthought-dev/2006-January/001075.html
> > has all the links ;-).
> > As far as I know this is not possible with the "old profiler".
> I've seen that, and it really looks fantastic.  I need to start using it...
>  So yes

And no (at least with python <2.5):


When searching around on c.l.p. I also found this very interesting looking
tool to analyze hotshot output:


"""RunSnakeRun is a small GUI utility that allows you to view HotShot
profiler dumps in a sortable GUI view.  It loads the dumps incrementally
in the background so that you can begin viewing the profile results fairly
(I haven't tested it yet though ...)

> > However, the output of this is also puzzling, ranging
> > from 6 (almost useless) lines for Numeric and
> > to overwhelming 6 screens (also useless?) for numpy (see below).
> > ((Also, if you vary the order of the tests you also get
> > different results...))
> >
> > Ouch, this looks like a mess - I know benchmarking/profiling
> > is considered to be tricky - but that tricky?
> I'm by no means a profiling guru, but I wonder if this difference is
> due to the fact that numpy uses much more python code than C, while
> much of Numeric's work is done inside C routines.  As far as the
> profile module is concerned, C code is invisible.

I can understand that a python profiler cannot look into C-code
(well, even that might be possible with tricks), but shouldn't
one be able to get the time before and after a line is executed
and from this infer the time spent on a given line of code?
Maybe that's not how these profilers work, but that's the way
I would sprinkle my code with calls to time

A bit more googling reveals an old cookbook example
"""This recipe lets you take into account time spent in C modules when
profiling your Python code"""

I start to wonder, whether things like this are properly taken into
account in any of the available profilers??

> If I read the info you posted correctly, it also seems like the time
> in your particular example is spent on many different things, rather
> than there being a single obvious bottleneck.  That can make the
> optimization of this case a bit problematic.

The example

from scipy import *
# from math import sqrt

def main():
    for i in xrange(10000):

is pretty cooked up.
Still I had success (well, it really was constructed for this ;-)
with it in the past:

Without importing sqrt from math, the output of kcachegrind
suggests that 39% of the time is spent in sqrt and 61% in log.

Importing sqrt from math leads to
I.e., only the log operation is visible.

So things went fine in this particular example, but
after all this I got really sceptical about profiling in python.

A bit more googling revealed this very interesting thread
which discusses short-comings of hotshot and suggests
lsprof as replacement.

cProfile (which is based on lsprof) will be in Python 2.5

And according to
there is also the possibility to use the output of cProfile
with KCacheGrind.

So all this does not help me right now
(Presently I don't have the time to install python 2.5 alpha
+ numpy + scipy and test cProfile + the corresponding scripts),
but in the longer run it might be the solution ...

Best, Arnd

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