[Numpy-discussion] nonzero() behaviour has changed

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Wed May 17 14:34:04 EDT 2006

On Tue, 16 May 2006, Alan G Isaac apparently wrote: 
> 2. How are people using this?  I trust that the numarray 
> behavior was well considered, but I would have expected 
> coordinates to be grouped rather than spread across the 
> arrays in the tuple. 

OK, just to satisfy my curiosity:
does the silence mean that nobody is using
'nonzero' in a fashion that leads them to
prefer the current behavior to the "obvious"
alternative of grouping the coordinates?
Is the current behavior just an inherited
convention, or is it useful in specific applications?

Sorry to ask again,
but I'm interested to know the application that
is facilitated by getting one coordinate at a time,
or possibly by getting e.g. an array of first
coordinates without the others.

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

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