[Numpy-discussion] Who uses matrix?

Bill Baxter wbaxter at gmail.com
Tue May 9 19:32:00 EDT 2006

On 5/10/06, Tim Hochberg <tim.hochberg at cox.net> wrote:
> Of course I'm not a user of the matrix class, so take that for what it's

On 5/10/06, Sasha <ndarray at mac.com> wrote:
> I don't use matrices, so I don't have a strong opinion on this issue.
Hmm.  And in addition to you two, I'm pretty sure I've seen Travis mention
he doesn't use matrix, either.  That plus the lack of response to my and
others' previous posts on the topic kinda makes me wonder whether there are
actually *any* hardcore numpy users out there using the matrix class.

I've been using matrix, but I don't consider myself a numpy hardcore at this
point.  On the issue in quesiton about returning scalars vs matrices from
things like sum(), my initial reaction is that any time you have a 1x1
matrix it should just be returned as a scalar.  In linear algebra terms, a
1x1 matrix *is* a scalar for all intents and purposes, so it doesn't need to
be all dressed up in this fancy 'maxtrix' garb, as in "matrix([[8]])".   But
I'm not sure it's worth getting all in a hurry to make the change before
numpy 0.9.8, or ever for that matter.

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