[Numpy-discussion] Status of pyfits with numpy?

Paul Barrett pebarrett at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 10:49:00 EST 2006

On 3/16/06, Andrew Jaffe <a.h.jaffe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is a numpy-compatible version of pyfits nearing stability? I see that
> there is a pyfits-numpy branch visible on the trac browser -- is that
> available and stable enough for public use?

I received the following Email from Chris Hanley, who is doing the numpy
port, a few days ago.

 -- Paul

I've finished the initial pyfits numpy port.  We won't be doing an
alpha release until after we finish the spring STSDAS release.  We are
in the process of freezing this week.  I thought you might want a
preview.  If you do, you can grab it our of subversion with,
svn co http://astropy.scipy.org/svn/pyfits/branches/pyfits-numpypyfits-numpy.

That version of pyfits will support both numpy and numarray.  If you
have both numpy and numarray installed you can make pyfits switch
between them by setting an environment variable called NUMERIX.
NUMERIX = 'numarray' for numarray.  NUMERIX = 'numpy' for numpy.  If
the variable isn't set, and both packages are installed, pyfits will
default to the numarray version.  If only one package is installed
then pyfits will use that package.

Most of the differences for image support are in syntax.  However, for
table support I had to completely rework the inheritance structure.

Be warned, I am certain there are bugs.
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