[Numpy-discussion] Opinions on the book H.P. Langtangen: Python Scripting for Computational Science, 2nd ed.

Vinicius Lobosco vinicius.lobosco at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 03:47:01 EST 2006

Hi Zdenek!

I have this book, and I like this a lot as the other book of Langtangen about 
Diffpack. I think he is very good in collecting in one place most of the 
aspects one would like to use within this subject. So if you think about 
implementing your software as a web service, to implement a GUI or to glue 
you C, C++ or Fortran software with Python or something else, this is the 
right book. And it is very well written. On the other hand, if you're just 
looking for information regarding NumPy (from a Matlab user perspective), it 
would be better to borrow it in the library and copy the only chapter about 
it. There is however, no book alternative. The best material is available 
on-line, to my knowledge. Second, you're also right that some stuffs are not 
updated anymore. 

Best regards, Vinicius

On Thursday 02 March 2006 12.21, Zdeněk Hurák wrote:
> Hello,
> Can anybody recommend the book:
> Python Scripting for Computational Science
> Series: Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 3
> Langtangen, Hans Petter
> 2nd ed., 2006, XXIV, 736 p. 33 illus., Hardcover
> ISBN: 3-540-29415-5
> I am just a beginner in Python programming (but I master C, Matlab). I do
> research in applied numerical computing (oriented at control design). Is
> this a book for me? It is hard to guess just from the table contents. I
> especially doubt if the information on Numpy package is relevant at all
> with the wild development witnessed in the past recent months. However,
> peeling off these "numerical" parts, isn't buying some comprehensive Python
> book a better buy?
> Thanks for your tips,
> Zdenek Hurak

Vinicius Lobosco, PhD
Process Intelligence

+46  8 612 7803
+46 73 925 8476 (cell phone)
Björnnäsvägen 21
SE-113 47 Stockholm, Sweden

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