[Numpy-discussion] Histograms via indirect index arrays

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Fri Mar 17 10:30:02 EST 2006

Piotr Luszczek wrote:

>>Yes, this is intended (sort of --- this particular example isn't the
>>reason for the behavior though).
>>The issue is that the code g[idx] +=1 is equivalent in Python to
>>g[idx] = g[idx] + 1
>This is not what I read at:
>These methods should attempt to do the operation in-place (modifying 
>self) and return the result (which could be, but does not have to be, 
>What you describe is "lack of attempt" in which case the "fall back"
>behavior gets triggered.

The problems is that this explanation is very clear when we are talking 
about the syntax

g += 1

Then, there is a method of g that can be over-ridden to get the desired 
behavior.  Now, what you are talking about is "indexing followed by 
in-place addition".

i.e.  at issue is

how does python interpret

g[idx] += 1

How does this get compiled to byte-code?

There are two possibilities:

1) g[idx] creates a new object which then has 1 added to it using 
in-place addition.

     This would not produce the desired behavior as g[idx] is a copy of 
the data when idx is a
      general indexing array as it is in this case.  So, you make a copy 
of those indices, add 1 to them
      and then do what with the resut?

2) g[idx] += 1  gets converted to g[idx] = g[idx] + 1

    This appears to be effectively what Python actually does.  Notice 
that there is no way for us to control this behavior because there is no 
__inplace_with_indexing_add__ operator to over-ride.

There is no such single operation to over-ride for the object.   In 
other words, I don't see anyay for us to even alter the object to get 
the behavior you want from that syntax.  We can, of course, add a 
function or method to do that, but I we would have to extend Python to 
get the behavior you want here.

Note, however, if idx is slice syntax, then the operation is done 
without making copies because, for example,


returns a "view" of the data (an array that shares the same memory) as 
the original array.  Thus,

g[1:10:2] += 1

does an inplace add without data-copying.

It may be possible to do what you want using zero-strided arrays, but 
I'll leave that for a more motivated contributor.


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