[SciPy-dev] [Numpy-discussion] Re: numpy.linalg prevents use of scipy.linalg?

Ed Schofield schofield at ftw.at
Sat Mar 4 05:15:04 EST 2006

Robert Kern wrote:
> Zachary Pincus wrote:
>>> What version of scipy are you using? Before reporting a bug, please  
>>> make sure it
>>> exists in the current SVN revision.
>> Sorry I didn't include the version (0.4.6, by the way) in my first  
>> email. My oversight.
>> As to your latter statement, are you sure about that? You're only  
>> interested in getting bug reports from people who rebuild scipy from  
>> the svn every night, or who have tracked down the problem to the line  
>> so they know where in the svn to see if it's fixed?
> No, I don't expect everyone to rebuild scipy every day. However, when you think
> you've found a bug, it is standard procedure for you to build the most recent
> version to test it and see if the bug is still there. So yes, I do expect people
> to build from SVN when they're about to report a bug, but no more often.

I don't expect this.  I think a bug report against the latest released
version is better than no bug report.  If we think we've seen and fixed
the bug in SVN, it takes us less time to reply "Hmmm, check this with
the latest SVN" than it would take Zachary or another would-be bug
reporter to check out and build the whole tree from SVN, just on the
off-chance we've fixed it since then.  This lowers the barrier to entry
for helpers.  Reading bug reports about the current released version can
also be a helpful reminder to us of which bugs are still outstanding in
the most recent release.

-- Ed

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