[Numpy-discussion] Re: [SciPy-user] numpy lists

Andrew Straw strawman at astraw.com
Mon Jan 9 10:55:02 EST 2006

Christopher Barker wrote:

> Andrew Straw wrote:
>> Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>> numpy-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
>>> numpy-user at lists.sourceforge.net
>> You can subscribe to these lists from 
>> http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=1369
> I don't see numpy-devel there. At least it's not obvious. I see:
> numpy-discussion (which is the list I'm posting too now, and has been 
> around a long time for Numeric, then numarray, and now numpy)
> and:
> numpy-user (which does look like a new one)
> where can I find numpy-devel ?

It seems to be that numpy-devel has been (silently) deleted.  I 
subscribed immediately after it was announced, tried posting a few days 
later, and got an error message. I can't remember exactly what the error 
was, but it seemed to be directly from sourceforge indicating problems 
with the numpy-devel list. So, I assume the list has simply been 
deleted. Is this so?

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