[Numpy-discussion] arrayobject.h (and friends) install location

Robert Hetland hetland at tamu.edu
Tue Jan 17 06:55:14 EST 2006

On Jan 16, 2006, at 5:12 PM, <pearu at cens.ioc.ee> <pearu at cens.ioc.ee>  

> Also note that not all potential numpy users are able/willing/.. to  
> use
> --prefix option. Why we should scare them away when we can provide
> defaults that work for all situations, though the defaults are not
> standard and require some tolerance from developers to follow numpy  
> docs..

Why not just have the install script 'try:' to put a symlink in the  
standard place.  That way, the files will be installed in any case,  
but (if successful) they will also be accessible from the standard  
places.  If the symlinks are not created, a warning could be issued,  
but the install would not fail.

I have used this solution -- putting the simlink in by hand -- and it  
seems to work fine.


Rob Hetland, Assistant Professor
Dept of Oceanography, Texas A&M University
p: 979-458-0096, f: 979-845-6331
e: hetland at tamu.edu, w: http://pong.tamu.edu

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