[Numpy-discussion] Re: [SciPy-dev] Long live to numpy (and its list as well)

Joe Harrington jh at oobleck.astro.cornell.edu
Thu Jan 5 08:27:14 EST 2006

Francesc Altet on scipy-dev:

> Now that numpy is dead and we all want a long life to numpy, what
> about moving discussions in this list into the venerable:

> "numpy-discussion <numpy-discussion at lists.sourceforge.net>"

We're one community (or want to be).  Could we just have one mailing
list per type of discussion (dev and user)?  All the cross-posting and
cross-monitoring is tedious.  I don't care whether we keep scipy-* or
numpy-* lists, but is there a functional reason to have four lists?
Consider that soon we may have *-doc, *-newbie, *-announce, and others
as well, if this takes off like we all hope.  If the developers want
separate lists because some are only working on one of the two
packages, I can see that argument (in the future if not now).  I don't
see a need for two user lists, unless perhaps sorted by high and low

I propose we either drop the numpy-* lists (if subscribers there
agree), or leave them for ongoing discussion of the legacy packages,
and discourage discussion of the new numpy/scipy there.

Ok, flame me.


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