[Numpy-discussion] Thoughts on an ndarray super-class

Steven H. Rogers steve at shrogers.com
Thu Feb 23 18:34:04 EST 2006

I don't have an immediate use for this, but if available, I expect that it 
would be used.


Travis Oliphant wrote:
> The bigndarray class is going to disappear (probably in the next release 
> of NumPy).  It was a stop-gap measure as the future of 64-bit fixes in 
> Python was unclear.  Python 2.5 will have removed the 64-bit limitations 
> that led to the bigndarray and so it will be removed. 
> I have been thinking, however, of replacing it with a super-class that 
> does not define the dimensions or strides.  
> In other words, the default array would be just a block of memory.  The 
> standard array would inherit from the default and add dimension and 
> strides pointers.
> I was thinking that this might make it easier for sub-classes using 
> fixed-sized dimensions and strides.  I'm not sure if that would actually 
> be useful, but since I was thinking about the disappearance of the 
> bigndarray, I thought I would ask for comments.
> -Travis
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Steven H. Rogers, Ph.D., steve at shrogers.com
Weblog: http://shrogers.com/weblog
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