[Numpy-discussion] Re: [SciPy-user] Where do I put site.cfg? What should it contain? Can I build w/o atlas?

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Wed Feb 15 14:16:02 EST 2006

David M. Cooke wrote:

>On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 03:45:33PM -0600, Robert Kern wrote:
>>Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>>So, in particular, does this mean that it is read from (relative to the 
>>>location of the main setup.py file)
>>>numpy/distutils/site.cfg ??
>>Yes. And in the case of scipy, it needs to be in the *installed* numpy/distutils
>>>Yes, that is a bad place.   We need some suggestions as to where 
>>>site.cfg should be read from.
>>Next to the setup.py that *invokes* numpy.distutils. AFAICT using os.getcwd() in
>>system_info.py will give you this directory even if you start running the script
>>from a different directory (e.g. "python ~/svn/scipy/setup.py install"). I can
>>check this in if we agree that this is what we want.
>As a note: Python's distutils looks for distutils.cfg in it's installed
>location (/usr/lib/python2.4/distutils or whatever), then in
>~/.pydistutils.cfg (or $HOME/pydistutils.cfg on non-Posix systems like
>Windows), then for setup.cfg in the current directory. Keys in later files
>override ones in earlier files.
I think this is a good plan.  However, what I've started doesn't 
implement the over-riding process properly.  Anybody want to take a stab 
at that?   It would be nice if it could get into this next release.


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